All children like to be made to dream by telling them stories. Only we sometimes run out of time. Yet the evening story contributes to the development of your little one. It is a moment of sharing for many parents and children. This activity allows your little one to develop […]
Real estate purchase: what if the seller dies before signing?
Question to an expert I signed a promise to sell, can I still buy the accommodation if the owner dies before the final signature? By signing a promise or a sales agreement, seller and buyer do not always measure the scope of their commitments and their fate in the event […]
TOP 10 child garage
What toddler doesn’t enjoy having their toy cars rolling around in a child garage Truer than nature ? Walk his cars, go to the gas station or at the mechanic’s… The children’s garage is one of the essentials of Christmas and many wish lists mention at least one. But, how […]
TOP 10 rocking horse
Timeless, the rocking horse is one of the most iconic toys in the world of childhood. Composed of a solid support, it allows the child to oscillate gently back and forth, for real moments of pleasure. Beyond the game, it is also considered a real element of decoration. So how […]
Old age: the majority draws a bill
Along the promenade of Villers-sur-Mer (Calvados), June 19, 2022. SAMEER AL-DOUMY / AFP This October 13, Emmanuel Macron invited the Macronist deputies of the Social Affairs Committee to a breakfast at the Elysée. The Head of State takes notes while listening to Fadila Khattabi, president (Renaissance) of the commission, affirm […]
When fortune exposes to guardianship
UDoes an adult, whose mental faculties are only moderately impaired, but whose resources are significant, more likely than a person with modest incomes to be placed under guardianship and lose all legal capacity? This is the question posed by the following case. In 2016, Léonie X (names changed), who became […]
The European Commission wants to strengthen the rights of children from homoparental families
Gesa Teichert-Akkermann (left) and Verena Akkermann kiss their 11-month-old daughter, in Schellerten, Germany, January 12, 2021. JULIAN STRATENSCHULTE / JULIAN STRATENSCHULTE/PICTURE-ALLIANCE/DPA/AP IMAGES “If you are a parent in one country, you are a parent in all countries”, launched the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, before the […]
When the sealed will is used to commit an abuse of weakness
QWhat type of will do malicious individuals have to choose to get an elderly person to bequeath their property to them, without the notary noticing that they no longer have all their faculties and without the act risking, a posteriori, to be annulled by his heirs? “This cynical question, the […]
“There are heartbreaks at 90 that are as violent as teenage love”
ERIK ISAKSON/TETRA IMAGES/PHOTONONSTOP Doctor Patrick Papazian speaks in the podcast “Not even dead” of the Little Brothers of the Poor, launched in September on the occasion of the publication of the association’s report on the emotional, intimate and sexual life of the elderly. Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers […]
Inheritance: Can the payment of inheritance tax be deferred?
Question to an expert Am I obliged to pay inheritance tax on a property right away? Upon death, heirs or legatees have six months (one year in the event of death abroad) to pay inheritance tax. A difficult deadline to keep when you essentially inherit “illiquid” assets, especially real estate. […]