Livret A, minimum wage, pensions, housing or childcare aid… which will be upgraded in 2023

Inflation obliges, many amounts and rates must be revalued in a significant way this year. Please note, for certain benefits, such as pensions and family allowances, a 4% increase had been granted in advance in the summer of 2022 as part of the law of emergency measures for purchasing power of August 16: it will be deducted from the 2023 rate.

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1er January

Among the amounts already revalued on 1er January: the minimum wage, up to 1.81%. It went from 11.07 euros to 11.27 euros gross per hour, and from 1,678.95 euros to 1,709.28 euros gross monthly (1,353.07 euros net). It had increased by 0.9% in January 2022, 2.65% in May and 2.01% in August. The daily allowance for caregivers (AJPA), based since 2022 on the net minimum wage, increases from 58.59 euros per day to 62.44 euros.

For basic pensions (except those for lawyers) and the solidarity allowance for the elderly (ASPA, the former minimum old age), the rate is 0.8% – a large part of the annual revaluation, 4% , had been granted in advance in July 2022.

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Some supplementary pensions are also revalued from the beginning of the year, this is the case for example of the supplementary pensions of liberals contributing to the Interprofessional Provident and Old Age Insurance Fund (Cipav), + 5.3%, and traders and artisans (+4.8%).

For the first time in twenty-two years, the rate of return on housing savings plans (PEL) has also changed, going from 1% to 2%. Attention, this only concerns plans opened since 1er January.


To see the rate of the Livret A and the Livret de développement durable et solidaire (LDDS), currently remunerated at 2% (net of income tax and social security contributions), increase, it will be necessary to wait for the 1er FEBRUARY. Of how many ? We should know in mid-January, when the Governor of the Banque de France, François Villeroy de Galhau, will have done the calculation. On BFM-TV at the end of December 2022, the latter indicated that the increase would be ” sensitive “. The normal application of the formula, which takes into account both the inflation of the last six months and short-term rates, should result in a rate above 3%.

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Another increase expected for savers: that of the yield of the People’s Savings Book (LEP), remunerated at 4.6% since August 2022. This booklet reserved for the most modest benefits from a more favorable formula than that of the Livret A , since it must serve at least inflation (or the Livret A rate plus half a point, if this is more favourable). Result, the rate “could reach 6.5%”estimated before Christmas Philippe Crevel, the founder of the Circle of savings.

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