
The European Commission wants to strengthen the rights of children from homoparental families

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Gesa Teichert-Akkermann (left) and Verena Akkermann kiss their 11-month-old daughter, in Schellerten, Germany, January 12, 2021. JULIAN STRATENSCHULTE / JULIAN STRATENSCHULTE/PICTURE-ALLIANCE/DPA/AP IMAGES “If you are a parent in one country, you are a parent in all countries”, launched the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, before the […]


when the genealogist “doubles” the insurer

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PTo prevent billions of euros from sleeping on life insurance contracts whose beneficiary clause bears, instead of surnames and first names, the sole mention “my heirs”, the Eckert law of June 13, 2014 imposed on insurers to identify the latter, as soon as they are informed of the subscriber’s death. […]