In 2020, France had 15.1 million cats and 7.5 million domestic dogs, according to the Federation of Food Manufacturers for Dogs, Cats, Birds and Other Pets (Facco).
Surfing on this hexagonal passion for pets, the – very flourishing – health insurance market is developing. “These contracts have existed with the major insurers for ten years, but insurtechs (start-up in the insurance world) have been interested in it for a short time and are looking to stand out with different models »confirms Julien Fillaud, director of the comparator Hyperassur.
In France, only 5% of pets are insured, most owners not thinking of covering their companions. “Often they become interested in the subject after paying a very large healthcare bill”notes Nicolas de Soubeyran, marketing director of Fidanimo.
Highly variable prices
However, basic insurance is not that expensive: on average, according to Hyperassur, from 7 to 45 euros per month for a cat, and from 10 to 65 euros per month for a dog. “Our three main pricing criteria are the type of animal, with dogs costing more to insure; its breed, some being more fragile than others, and its age, as medical costs are higher when an animal ages”says Alban de Préville, co-founder and CEO of Dalma.
Be careful, this last criterion is also discriminating, because insurers refuse initial subscriptions for animals over 10 or 12 years old. Others cover them, but with significant premium increases or exclusions of guarantees beyond a certain age.
With health insurance, you pay a monthly contribution, fixed annually, and you are reimbursed for all or part of your veterinary bills. The contracts being all different, it is better to go through a comparator to find out their – many – options.
First choice to make: insure your pet only against illnesses, only against accidents or for both. Inside these two coverages plays another subtlety: the choice to be reimbursed only for medical expenses (analysis, medication, etc.) or surgical expenses (operation, rehabilitation, etc.).
Waiting periods
The most protective contracts take into account all care in the same way, but they are also the most expensive. For example, a contract found on Hyperassur provides 100% insurance for a 6-month-old kitten (sickness and accident), for 9 euros per month for surgical care alone, 15 euros per month for medical expenses alone and 36 euros per month for both.
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